Anben Halligan crowbar is a special widely tool used by firefighters, police and construction workers. This tool is handy and assists you with many more tasks. It can open doors, pick locks and even lift covers, for example. However, in order to utilize the Halligan crowbar properly and safely, it is crucial to hold it properly. The first step to proper use the power TOOLS is to have a good grip.
The Halligan crowbar is a specialty tool comprised of three main parts that work in conjunction with each other. The first section is the adz. The adz is the curved blade of the tool and is used for prying and twisting. The other part is pick, the crowbar that points at the end. The pick is handy for poking into things and pulling them out. Number four is the shaft—the straight part that connects the adz and the pick. The shaft is necessary as it is helpful in pushing and pulling the tool.
The Following Are Accessories and Some Tips to Use Anben’s Halligan Crowbar
When in position with the Halligan crowbar, we should have the strong hand, or dominant hand nearest the adz. This provides you with more control over the tool. On the other hand (non-dominant hand) should be holding onto the shaft. But, it should also be noted not to hold it tightly, as it can make your hand be tired faster. Try to locate and hold the tool at its mid area for better balance and stability while performing a task.
To wedge the Halligan crowbar, insert the adz of the tool into the seam, or edge, of the door or cover that needs prying open. Tilt the adz towards you. Next, modify your body—forward, putting weight on the adz with your arms. This helps to insert the firefighter tool back in and makes it easier to pry open the door. You can repeat this on both sides of the door until it opens fully. Just remember about patience and time to do the rat.
The Halligan Crowbar Anben 21 Series
A Halligan crowbar is built with several different parts, and knowing how each work is key to its successful use. Curved adz is the most articulate part of the tool — it can be used to pry door open, twist things, or use it as a lever to push an object. The pick is utilized to puncture and draw items to difficult surfaces, with breaking locks being a versatile use case of the item. Finally, the shaft is the longer, straight portion that connects the adz and pick and is important when striking and applying leverage.
Make sure to have the Halligan crowbar held in the center of the shaft so as not to lose balance. This will ease the way to use both the adz as well as the pick appropriately. Understanding every part of the tool glove, what it does, and how it works will allow you to use it to its maximum capability.
How to Break Locks and Doors
If you know how, the Halligan crowbar is a fast and efficient tool for breaking locks and doors. When picking a lock, place the pick at the top of the lock. Then lean your weight onto it. When you push down the pick is going to penetrate the lock. When that happens you can use the adz to rotate and pry your way into the lock. Do this with great care and attention, so that will not cause an accident.
As for breaking through doors, you will put the adz at the seam of the door as you did before. Tilt it towards yourself. You should use the strength of your body from above and push down the adz. This might be your trickiest step, and it may take a couple attempts on each side before it opens. Never forget to know your surrounding and to do it at a safe place.